Saturday, November 22, 2008

So Blessed!

This past Monday, I had the great pleasure & honor to have Thanksgiving Luncheon at The River. If you don't know what The River's a place for women to meet to listen, learn, love, laugh and wash clothes. Devotions take place everyday at 9:30am. We bring our prayer requests, and the women know that we will pray for them. On this day we went around the circle and everyone said something they were thankful for. Some were thankful for their families, a place to live and most of them were thankful for each other.

There are 4 washers and 4 dryers where women can do 2 loads of laundry a day for 25 cents.
A kitchen, computers, a writing center, a community garden and volunteers to listen.
I volunteer once a month and was blessed to be there for the luncheon. The women of NorthPointe Community Church in Johnson City provided the wonderful lunch with all the trimmings. There were over 40 women in attendance. Stacy, The River director loves the women and it shows. The ladies come to Stacy for advise...which sometime they listen to and sometimes they don't. I almost forgot to tell you about the shower. Women can come and take a shower, towels and toiletries are provided for free. Here is a link to The River's homepage:

I am so blessed and thankful for The River, and the safe place it provides for women to meet.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't know a place like that existed. Sounds like a great place. A Great place when you are down and out and you need a friend, advice, sounding board, a laugh, a cry, and/or shower and to clean your clothes. The name on the other hand is perfect! To me it sounds like where all the ladies in the valley would go to do there laundry. In the mean time become a close knit family to lean on. (hope this made sense) Needs to be one in every community.
